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Advent coloring page to download and print. Free PDF download. Select a color from the palette and paint each of its corresponding pixels. Correctly color all pixels in a level to finish it! Over 300 Levels! Coloring Pixels is a great way to wind down, you can just sit back and relax. With over 90 free levels, and over 300 levels in total, you.

The Advent Jesse Tree. God With Us: A Family Advent Celebration. DIY Jesse Tree Ornament Kit for Advent. Advent Jesse Tree Devotional Flexible Magnet Set with Explanation Story Card. Jesse Tree Ornaments: Advent Coloring Activities and Craft Projects for Kids. Unwrapping the Greatest Gift: A Family Celebration of Christmas.

Platform: Steam
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Coloring Pixels – Advent Pack free steam key

Coloring Pixels – Advent Pack cd key for free is now available on Free STEAM KEYS! Free Steam Games. Games Key. Steam Giveaways. Free games to download. Coloring Pixels – Advent Pack steam key free

About Coloring Pixels – Advent Pack key free

The Advent pack is a Winter and Seasonal Holiday themed book containing 24 new levels for Coloring Pixels! Inspired by seasonal decorations and traditions, expect to see snowglobes, snowmen, reindeer, and Christmas trees!
This pack will unlock one image at a time, one day at a time. Starting on the 1st December through to the 24th December so you can enjoy it as you would an Advent Calendar.
The Advent book unlocks the following images:
  • Day 7 - 24x28
  • Day 6 - 28x88
  • Day 9 - 40x51
  • Day 19 - 43x66
  • Day 15 - 45x61
  • Day 23 - 49x53
  • Day 18 - 55x46
  • Day 4 - 56x56
  • Day 22 - 60x45
  • Day 13 - 62x56
  • Day 20 - 64x79
  • Day 2 - 72x62
  • Day 11 - 73x70
  • Day 21 - 75x28
  • Day 10 - 75x83
  • Day 16 - 79x64
  • Day 17 - 83x65
  • Day 14 - 97x101
  • Day 12 - 102x107
  • Day 8 - 129x35
  • Day 3 - 151x151
  • Day 5 - 160x86
  • Day 1 - 168x158
  • Day 24 - 210x113

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  • OS: Windows 8.1
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Use this Sunday School lesson leading up to Christmas to share the story of the Bethlehem Shepherds with the children in your church. The download below includes the complete lesson plan, game ideas, craft suggestions, and coloring pages. It’s ready to print and kick start your Advent Sunday School lesson. See more lessons in our Nativity Notables series.

Advent Lesson on the Bethlehem Shepherds

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Sunday School Lesson on Luke Chapter 2 Verses 8-20

In Nativity Noteworthies: Heroes of the Christmas Story (Celebrated and Lesser-Known) See the first study in these series on Lesson: Elizabeth and the Birth of John the Baptist.

There are a lot of great truths to take from thestory of Jesus’ birth. There are also a great many clichés and worn-outelements of the Nativity narrative. In this series, we will encounter severalcharacters and look at the story through the lens of various perspectives. Someof these figures are already well-known, but others will be among the unsungheroes, at least for many people. Lessons will highlight who they are and theirsignificance to the life of Christ and to our lives today.

The focus of this lesson is the shepherds, who werefirst to receive the news of Christ’s birth. In these humble sheep caretakerswe see God revealing Himself to average everyday people, and recognize thatJesus came for everyone. We also note the reaction of the shepherds, who wereimmediately full of joy and enthusiasm.

Character focus: Bethlehem shepherds, first century pasture. Wedon’t know the exact number present, but it is likely they were simple people,not very well off, and in great need of a bath. The monotony of theirlamb-guarding duties was broken up by a heavenly host of angelic voicesannouncing the birth of a Savior.

Passage: Luke Chapter 2:8-20

Importance in the Nativity: God chose to announce thebirth of Jesus to a pack of farmers on the outskirts of a tiny town. Theshepherds were quick to follow the angelic directions, and they were also quickto spread the news to others around them.

Coloring Pixels - Advent 2 Pack Download Free Download

Significance to us: We ought to rejoice and be glad at what God has done. Not only do wequickly listen and follow His instructions, but we should make it known toothers that He is mighty and wonderful!

Materials Needed for this lesson: Paper, decorative materials,coffee filters, cups, glitter, pipe cleaners, paper plates, stapler.

Bonus Ideas:

Don’t miss all our Christmas lessons forChildren and Christmas ColoringPages

Coloring Pixels - Advent 2 Pack Download Free

  • See the ChristmasShepherds and Angels Crafts and Nativity Craft Video wealso have some fun sheepBible crafts
  • Compare our NativityObject Lessons for Advent Children’s Sermons
  • For a simple printable option, use the Angelsand Shepherds coloring pages
  • Compare our other free lessonon the Shepherds of Luke 2:8-20 and the full length SundaySchool Lesson from Luke 2:1-20

Additional Advent Season Fun:

Coloring Pixels - Advent 2 Pack download free. full

“The Shepherd on the shelf”…. Try this fun twist onthe classic “Elf on the Shelf” craze. Adapt your Advent watchman into one ofthe Nativity characters! Create a paper bag, sock, or hanging puppet and nameit after one of the features of the Christmas story (shepherd, angel, Magi,etc.). Move your puppet daily and remind children of the important parts of theNativity. This is also a helpful reminder that God is always watching!

Lesson Introduction / Game

Lesson Opening: This lesson focuses onthe shepherds who came to meet Jesus. It also involves light, sound, and ajoyous announcement. Consider the following opening activities, adjusting toavailable timing and audience:

  • Round up the sheep! Play a sheep game to introduce the topic of shepherds.Divide kids into teams. Scatter cotton balls around the room, and challengestudents to run around picking up the cotton balls and placing them in adesignated cup (one cup per team). The catch is that they can only use a clothespinto grab the cotton balls, and the other hand must remain behind their backs.This activity can be done as a relay race or a free-for-all, as space allows.
  • Sing-off: Split kids into two groups. Challenge them to a singing match ofthe song “Halle-lu, Halle-lu, Halle-lu, Hallelujah/Praise Ye the Lord”, takingturns standing up when each phrase is uttered. See who can sing with the mostgusto.
  • Shadow charades: pull up a sheet with a flashlight behind it (representingthe light of the angels). Have students place hands in front of the sheet andchallenge them to make fun shadow shapes. Other students can guess what theshapes represent.
  • Puzzle relay: in honor of the shepherds running around town to “relay” amessage, have students complete a relay race in teams, running across the roomto pick up their “message.” This message will be various jigsaw puzzles. Asstudents race to pick up pieces, the team can put the puzzle together. Seewhich team can be first to complete the puzzle.

Explain to kids thattoday they will be hearing about some more people in the Bible who receivedvery important messages. These were shepherds, and they received some importantand wonderful news.

Lesson: Shepherds of Bethlehem for Kids

Begin by talking a bit about shepherds. What is ashepherd, and what does a shepherd do? Discuss historical and current shepherds(yes, they still exist), and how important it is to take care of sheep. Sheepare not always the smartest creatures, and they need a guide who is willing toguard and care for them. Invite students to brainstorm any times or people inthe Bible who were shepherds…Hint, consider:

  • David was a shepherd before he became king
  • Joseph and his brothers were shepherds
  • Moses was a shepherd when God called him
  • Jesus called himself the Good Shepherd

So it must be that God has a special place in Hisheart for shepherds. Well, in spite of some famous flock friends in the OldTestament, the shepherds at the time of Jesus’s birth were probably not verypopular or well-off. They likely were humble, not well-regarded, and notwell-educated. One night these guys were out in the field watching theiranimals, like they did every other night, when something remarkable happened:


And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear. -Luke 2:8-9

Imagine, boredom and absolute darkness…and thensuddenly a huge light appears out of nowhere!! It’s no wonder the shepherdswere ready to soil their loin cloths…

Many times in the Bible, angel visits are met withfear, and it makes sense. A sudden vision of a Holy host would be surprising ifnot disconcerting.
Ask children what they might think or feel if a huge Heavenly light suddenlyappeared. These shepherds probably did act a bit nervous, because the firstthing the angel told them was not to fear:

And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,

14 “Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” -Luke 2:10-14

This is especially important to note. It is not toooften in the Bible we see a “multitude of heavenly host”. Angels often come oneat a time to relay messages, but here there is a whole band of celestial beingsgiving praise to God. Clearly, this was a spectacular and special announcement.And they were giving the message to plain old shepherds! They were practicallyjanitors or garbage men of the first century!

When the angels went away from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us.” 16 And they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in a manger. 17 And when they saw it, they made known the saying that had been told them concerning this child. -Luke 2:15-17

So how do the shepherds react to this announcement?After a certain initial shock, they suddenly rush to find the holy family. Now,one has to wonder if they left the sheep or took the baa-ing herd with them.Scripture doesn’t say, but it likely is not significant one way or another. Theimportant thing is that the shepherds “went with haste”, eager to see what theangels were talking about. They didn’t doubt or question, but ran to findJesus.

And all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds told them. 19 But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart. 20 And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them. -Luke 2:18-20

So after finding Jesus, what do the Shepherds do?It’s particularly important to note this, actually. They visited Jesus, but didnot merely hop back out into the sheep field. We see that they did return, butthey were not the same as they had been. They “made known the saying that hadbeen told them”, proclaiming to others what they had seen and heard and lettingeveryone know the wonderful news. Then they glorified and praised God, gratefulthat the news had been given them and that they could receive such amazing andblessed proclamation.

It’s also helpful to remember that Jesus is notonly the “good Shepherd” who is willing to know His sheep and lay down His lifefor them…He is also the sacrificial lamb. It’s possible that some of the sheepthese guys tended might have been used for temple sacrifices. So the baby theyvisited in the manger would one day be the ultimate sacrifice for all people…

And what are we to take away from this story? Wesee that Jesus came for ALL people, and God cares about and shares His lovewith all people. We also note the reaction that the shepherds had, and which wecan also have. Not only do we hear the story with joy and grateful praise, butwe want to share the news with others, and to glorify God in all we say and do.That’s something that lasts all the year through!

Close the lesson with prayer and thank God for loving usand coming to die for us. Thank Him for Biblical examples that paved the wayfor us, and ask for guidance in pointing the way to Christ. Pray for heartsopen to His word and service throughout the season.

3 Craft Ideas: Angel or Shepherd Celebration

Angels lend themselves to some great crafts, but the shepherds can have fun, too! Try these out for some angelic craft-ability. The craft directions are included in the lesson plan above:

Coloring Pixels Free

  1. “Angelic Plate”
  2. “Cup of Gladness” Angel
  3. “Shepherd Staff”

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Angels & Shepherds Sunday School Coloring Page

These Christmas Angels and Shepherds coloring pages are also included in the single download lesson plan above. Don’t miss all our Advent Coloring Pages.